Ever since the days we were industrial design students at HIT - we've heard about a super materiel - named Corian®.
Corian® is an original synthetic material developed by DuPont ™ considered as "artificial marble"

We chose Corian for our latest modern Judaica items - because of its great qualities:
Elegant and attractive to touch - it is smooth and easy to clean with water and a bit of dish soap.
In industry - Corian is used for kitchens, bathrooms, and even laboratories working surfaces - obviously it is durable for many years. When we design Judaica objects - we think about how to make them a heirloom - an item of desire for many years to come - naturally this material's features match excellently modern ritual objects - with no need for any special maintenance, "Corian® was created for a lifetime of easy care "(corian.com)

How flexible the Corian is for us, as contemporary Judaica designers?
Well, it's good for Passover as well as whole year's days.
It can be Kosher for Passover - and good for every Shabbat's Challah bread.
It is so accurate - and preforms our design ideas in a smooth and perfect look of white on white sophisticated surface - we are just in love with the final outcome of this design process- a process that began with morphologic research, inspired by Op-Art, translated to gentle 3D texture - and applied on a material with great plastic qualities.